John Hawkshaw
How was the Bridge Completed?
Following the death of Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1859, the Clifton Suspension Bridge was completed by the engineers John Hawkshaw and William Henry Barlow. Although…
Maintenance 2018 – Trish Johnson, Chartered Civil Engineer and Bridge Master
Bridge Master is a fascinating and varied job. It covers not only the maintenance of this amazing structure but also the running of the business.…
Completing the Bridge
On 8th December 2014, the Clifton Suspension Bridge celebrated 150 years since its grand opening. Here are some of the key events which took place…
Who’s Who
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was not the only person who had an important role to play in the design and construction of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.…
Hawkshaw and Barlow Untold
The Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust has been granted funding from the Association of Independent Museums (AIM) and Biffa Award for a year-long project (2017-2018)…