Filming, Photography and Drones
The Trustees and Bridge Master would consider requests for filming and events on the bridge on an individual basis, depending on their impact to bridge users and the ongoing maintenance of the bridge.
Personal and Non-Commercial Filming or Photography
Visitors are most welcome to use handheld still and video cameras on the bridge. However, if you would like to use a tripod, please talk to a Bridge Attendant upon arrival at the bridge and fill in a copy of our Filming Indemnity Form. This is to ensure that you and other members of the public are safe.
Commercial Filming or Photography
The Trustees and Bridge Master consider requests for filming and events on the bridge on an individual basis, depending on their impact to bridge users and the ongoing maintenance of the bridge. If you would like to film or take photographs for commercial use, we offer a competitive scale of charges which we will be happy to discuss with you.
If you are planning a large-scale production which may require a bridge closure or set up of an on-site compound/facilities, please call us first to discuss your requirements. (Please note that closure of the bridge to the public will incur an additional cost).
Explore local filming locations on the Virgin Media blog.
Drone Flights – Rules and Restrictions
Drones below 250g or pilots with an A2 Certificate of Competency (A2 CofC) are requested to keep a safe distance from the bridge structure. The flying of drones of 250g and over within fifty metres of the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the taking off or landing of drones on the bridge is not permitted (see our No Fly Zone map for information). In order to fly closer than the minimum distances specified in the Drone Code, you must contact us and obtain prior permission from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
- Please be aware that use of drones without following the CAA guidelines could lead to prosecution.
- The Bristol City Council website has information about the flying of powered model aircraft, including drones, from Bristol’s parks.
- If taking off or landing from private land, you will require the express permission of the landowner or relevant authority from where you wish to take off and land.
Filming and Commercial Use of Drones
- If you wish to film a planned event from a drone, you will need to seek the express permission of the event holder.
- If you are filming professionally or for commercial purposes, you will need to seek permission from Bristol Film Office and/or apply for a permit allowing you to take off and land on Bristol City Council land.
- If you wish to film from a drone on a street or road, you will need to apply for a full road closure from the relevant Local Authority or the Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust, and a filming permit – available from Bristol Film Office.
Contact Us
To speak to us about a filming or photography request, or to enquire about flying a drone within 50 metres of the bridge, please contact:
Trish Johnson, Bridge Master
In This Section
Contact Us Byelaws Jobs & Volunteering Maintenance Sustainability Support Us Events & Hire Photography and Drones Meet our Trustees Privacy PolicyDrones - No Fly Zone
Drones - No Fly Zone
PDF File: 3.5 MBSmall Scale Filming & Photography
220124 Filming Indemnity Form
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