We are often asked for plans or measurements of the bridge for projects ranging from engineering to art to model making. If you’re working on a project based around the Clifton Suspension Bridge, you’ll find some useful plans and measurements in our online archive. If the information you require does not appear, please email archives@cliftonbridge.org.uk with your request and we’ll do our best to help!
Michael Allen used our plans to make a copy of the bridge for his model railway:
Tony Musgrave recreated the Avon Gorge as it would have looked in the late 1950s for his set up:
Here’s a spectacular wedding cake created by Mary and Mike Gough for the wedding of Mr and Mrs Paul and Sayana Rimmer. (Photographs courtesy of Arturas Bondarciukas.)
Paul tells the story here: “Sayana was teaching English language at University in Russia, which had a connection with Bristol University. She was sent a postcard from Bristol with the photo of Brunel’s Clifton Suspension Bridge and wondered at this beautiful piece of Victorian Engineering and if ever she would be able to cast her very own eyes on it. And so the seeds were sown and grew from there for Sayana’s emigration from Russia to Bristol/England and why this piece of man-made engineering is so significant in our world. Knowing that my Auntie Mary, cake creator extraordinaire, had a cake design talent unsurpassed by anyone, could she create us a bridge cake? She was delighted to take on a challenge because of the story behind it. She even had to employ a sub-contractor, timber engineering by uncle Mike, to be able to deliver the result. And what a cake this is, a significant achievement, this is art, of the highest standard and a piece of engineering even Brunel would be proud of – how does it stay there?!!”
Eight year old Tegan Oliver came to visit us during the summer holidays to research the bridge for a school project. She created a model of the bridge and a factfile about the history of the bridge and her visit to us to accompany it.